Thursday, May 25, 2006

Ambient Music

We have a couple of stations on my group that have had ambient noise speakers installed to play classical music in the background. The idea behind this, is that some 'yoof' (with the exception of 3.1 et al) detest this kind of music and no longer loiter around the stations and cause trouble. Only trouble is that the two stations that are using it on my group don't really have a major problem with loitering youths. We do get the odd gang of them steaming through the station, but they don't generally hang around, they're in and out. Not sure if any other stations have the same scheme going, I think some stations on the East End of the District line have them also.


3.1 said...

Yeah. We've got that ambient music down my end of the District Line, though being a 'yoof' who was brought up with classical music, I may ocassionally hang around to try and work out what tune is playing, because it's sometimes played at such an annoyingly subliminal level that I can't hear or appreciate it! :P

3.1 said...

That tinny mobile phone sound of 'garage' mush with somebody shouting lots of words that don't seem to sound like part of the English language... I think I know what you mean...