Saturday, April 14, 2012


Yesterday was a fairly intensive one. In the morning the doctors were preparing to discharge me and to return on Monday. However, they then decided that I had to have my Hickman Line removed as that is more than likely the cause of my infection, and that I should be kept inside.

Normally it is a quite easy procedure and takes about 20 minutes. In my case however it took nearly 90 minutes as it had been in for sometime and it was rather attached to my body. Loads of blood over the bed and lots of discomfit.

Later on the doctor had to return to insert a cannula so I can continue to receive my antibiotics whilst I am still here. The cannula managed to leak during the night so a wee bit more blood splashed around for ones amusement.

They said they are going to insert a new Hickman Line early next week so I can continue to receive my chemotherapy as the chemo drugs are not suitable to be administered via a cannula due to their toxicity.

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